
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Shoo Fly

It has been a long time, but I have started baking with the Cake Slice bakers again.  It was one of the first blog baking (say that 10 times fast) groups I joined and love being a part of  this small, world wide group of bakers.  I have missed them and am glad to be back.

They have started with a new book - Vintage Cakes and so far I am loving it.  While I love elaborately decorated cakes and have pinned,and made, my fair share of these cakes and cupcakes.  I am finding that they are becoming a bit too much for me.  I want a cake that looks like a cake.  I want to be able to tell what kind it is, I want the flavors to stand out just as much as the appearance.  I just want a cake, and that is what Vintage Cakes is, simple old school cakes

Much to my husband's delight the first cake chosen was Shoo Fly Cake.  He grew up in Pennsylvania, near Dutch country and Shoo Fly pie was a staple of his child hood.  The cake didn't have the stickiness of a pie, but it still had a nice crumb and the wonderful rich molasses and spice flavor.  While he probably would have preferred a pie, this cake was a wonderful trip down memory lane, just like a "Vintage Cake" should be.

Be sure to check out the other Cake Slice bakers and come back next month for another great vintage cake.


  1. Welcome back to active baking with the group!

    And that Shoo-fly cake of yours is Fab and exactly what my little cakes will be when they grew up!! ;)

    Great to be in your company again!

  2. How wonderful that our selection fit in with your husband's heritage! Your Shoo-Fly Cake looks so pretty on the cake stand! :)

  3. I am glad you liked it! I love your cake! So happy to have you baking with us again! :)

  4. Your cake turned out lovely. :) welcome back the the cake slice world :)

  5. Glad to know that your hb is a lover of the Shoofly :) Welcome back to this baking group :):)

  6. How nice that your husband enjoyed this cake. :)

  7. Your cake looks stunning, the majority of people have seemed to enjoy this cake. Charlene, fellow TCS member x

  8. Your cake looks wonderful. I think that molasses may be an acquired taste because I just can't seem to find a way to use it successfully.
