
Monday, November 8, 2010

Menu Planning Monday

Not a lot of meals being eaten at home this week and the days we are home I have other projects to work on so I think it will be a salad and breakfast for dinner week.   What are your go to meals when you are unsure if you will need meals fixed at home or what time you will even get home.  Those are the meals I always struggle with.  Any suggestions?

For what it's worth, here is my menu plan for the week:
Monday - tonight we ended up with poached eggs and milk toast
Tuesday - Pizza party
Wednesday - pasta with veggies from the vegetable delivery, unsure what that will be
Thursday - ?
Friday - Marshall's night, I'm out with friends

And when all else fails, we will just have my little one's favorite, a plate full of clementines - she fixed this meal by herself.

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