
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

SRC - Granola

This month I got to do two Secret Recipe Club assignments.  Jess, at the Inquiring Chef, was left orphaned and I was lucky enough to be able to get her blog and do a second reveal.  Jess's blog is beautiful.  It is not only filled with wonderful recipes, but also gives a peak into her life as she and her husband reside temporarily in Bangkok.

There were many recipes that were very tempting.  Working my way through the Inquiring Chefs 2012 favorites would be a tasty adventure.  Due to time constraints and pantry limitations I decided on Jess's Cranberry Pecan Granola.

We have been out of granola for about a week and I had been meaning to make it this week, so this was the push I needed to get it done.  I usually stick to the same basic recipe, but Jess's recipe and the use of powdered milk was very intriguing. I have never seen a granola recipe that uses powdered milk and had no idea how it would taste or what it would do.  

Jess jokes about entertaining the idea of using coffee creamer when she was unable to find powdered milk.  She, or actually her husband, eventually found some powdered milk and didn't have to resort to using coffee creamer.  I on the other hand did use the creamer.  I had a napping child, no interest in running to the store and a large container of coffee creamer that I have no idea how I am ever going to use up.

I made about a 1/4 of the recipe, I didn't want to make a full batch and discover that coffee creamer and granola is a disgusting combination.  In the end I was pretty satisfied with the results.  I am still not exactly sure what impact the creamer or powdered milk has.  It was slightly richer than my usual granola, but overall there wasn't a great difference in taste.

I am still curious about the powdered milk and will probably pick some up the next time I go to the store to do some experimenting.  Let me know if you have any suggestions or know what the powdered milk does, I would love to learn more.

Inquiring Chef Cranberry Pecan Granola

4 cups rolled oats
2 cups pecans, roughly chopped
1 cup oat bran
1 cup powdered milk
2 tsp. salt
3/4 cup vegetable oil
3/4 cup honey
1 Tbsp. vanilla extract
1/2 tsp almond extract
1 cup dried cranberries

Preheat oven 350
In large bowl  mix together oats, pecans and oat bran.  In small bowl combine powdered milk, salt, vegetable oil, honey, vanilla extract and almond extract.  Pour wet mixture over dry ingredients, stir until well combined.  Spread mixture over two baking sheets.  Bake, stirring halfway through, until light golden brown and fragrant, about 15-20 minutes. Remove from oven, mix in cranberries.  Let cool completely.  Store in airtight container.


  1. LOVE granola. I can never get enough. And am actually out right now (just ran out today). Must make more! Nice of you to fill in for an orphaned blogger!

  2. Kim - thank you for coming to the rescue this month AND for putting my coffee creamer curiosity to the test! I have to admit that I don't even know myself what job the powdered milk does in the granola, but I always find this version to have a little something extra that I love. So glad to have found your site through SRC!

  3. I made granola yesterday. Homemade is so much better. My son would love the addition of pecans.

  4. Interesting that the granola recipe called for powdered milk. A binder maybe. Looks asty.

  5. Great job jumping in and making another SRC recipe. I've never heard of using powdered milk/creamer in granola but it sounds interesting.

  6. Hi Kim! As a new member of the Cake Slice, I came over to look at your Mississippi Mud Cupcakes (I had to miss that month). And they turned out beautifully, as did your adorable snowman cupcakes! This granola looks pretty incredible too (I'm embarrassed to tell you I've yet to make home made granola!) So I will definitely give this a try! But I noticed in your language stars post...that we are neighbors! I live in a D.C. suburb as well! Looking forward to baking in this month's cake slice with you again! : )
